Sunday, November 17, 2013


Well, we have finished the practicum one class, however before ending everything is necessary to have a brain storm of opinions of ways to assess the student to who we have taught for these 10 weeks. Well here are my ideas.

I think that is possible for the students to be assessed with a paper base quiz, but with simple questions like matching and fill in the blanks. I think that students should be able to accomplished these tasks in a test, they should be able to answer most of the questions correctly. I think that this could be the best way to obtain a final grade from the students. However, is also possible to have assessed the students in the class, in other words that all that they dud in the classes could become part of their final grade.

These two are the ideas that I have for how to assess our group of students.

(Resources; My self)

Ninth class

This class was from Ingrid and mercy, their decorations seemed to be little however they proved that the way you deliver the class and the activities are more important than the surroundings.

 To begin with, Ingrid made the students make a semicircle, that in my opinions was the best semicircle that the students have done, she sing a song with the aid of cans filled with rocks, these actions captivated the attention of the children.
After that still sitting in the semicircle she took a box,  that she called the secret box. This box had cards inside, these cards had pictures of vocabulary that had already been studied in other classes, and also the name of those pictures was folded in the back of the pictures. Ingrid realized the activity by choosing a random student to pass and take one card and practice what was inside of the cards, also practice spelling. Whenever a someone did a mistake or did not answer, she used to the whole class to say the correct answer.

Her next activity was the presentation stage, this was done with a puppet, I really like it. The activity was basically having the puppet, present the vocabulary, in this case food, to the students, interact with them and make them memorize by repeating the name of the foods that were being presented. The name of the puppet was "Totti"

The final activity of Ingrid was something where the students had to categorize the food in two different categories, this was really interesting because students had different opinions of the food, so this caused a little discussions but it was fixed quickly, this activity was done with physical objects being pasted in two different posters.

Now was the turn of Aby to take the stage, I think that in this class the students were kind of energetic due to the fact that they had just finished school, so this might have been the cause that made kind of difficult for Aby to control them.
Her first activity was about working with small pieces of paper, truth be told, I could not catch most of the instructions and it seemed that the students were in the same situation because they were doing many different thing, Aby was trying to call their attention but it did not had much effect on them, at the end they complete the activity.

The next activity was to paste small food pictures, and categorize them whether they were good or bad, this was done in plates that were divided in 4 sides with a pilot.

Then her last activity was done with handouts, in groups the students had to complete a hand out that was given to them, they had also to tell the teacher when they had finished and pronounce the words that were in the handout. My opinion on Aby`s class is that she did a great job when planning the activities however, I think that the kids were a little bit too exited to work with small pieces of paper, and also that she could try to have more discipline in  the classroom.

Overall I think that the class was great because they did a great job and they also achieved their goal.

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Eight class

This class was in charge of Raul and Juan, they had taught a class already doing a good work so this should have been easy for them. They arranged the classroom in a great way they even hung some circles on the ceiling, here are some pictures of the classroom.

The firs one to pass was Raul, last time Raul had kind of a difficult time making the students pay attention to him and also maintaining the discipline in the class however, that did not happen this time, all the students were calm and payed attention to him from the very beginning. He begun the class with the usual song and some different movements, kids loved this activity. Then with the name tags a review of vocabulary was done, the name tags had a picture of something that had already been studied so the students had to say the name of the object that was in the picture.

Next was the presentation of their topic, in other words actions, Raul created a book with big images of actions and presented to the students, whenever presenting an action, Raul executed that actions, also he made the students do the actions that was being presented. This activity was awesome because besides presenting actions Raul made the students relate the name of the actions with the actions itself that is something that they already know, so they could remember in an easy way those actions.

Next was Juan`s turn, for the practice he started with a game in which the students had to throw a circle to certain cones, which had pictures of actions, whenever Juan said the name of an action, someone had to pick up a circle and throw it to the cone, this made the student practice the name of the  actions.
For the second activity he made a big circle and  started moving around while performing the activities that he said, this made the children very energetic, this was the best moment to made them learn, they were doing the actions at different pace and order so paying attention was mandatory.

For last activity he, used a hat to do a variation of the hot potato, while playing music the students were passing a hat, when the music stopped the one who had the hat was told to do an action that they had studied.

Overall I think that they did and excellent job, I really liked their panning, and I would keep everything for another class. And I really want to congratulate both of them for having an awesome class.

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Seventh class

This time was our turn again to the the children, out topic was clothes, my objectives were clear from the very beginning, surpass my last class and show confidence and energy to the children. So we set up the classroom a long time before the class started, and we did some rehearsals. This is the way the classroom looked.

Also here is our planning for the class.

This time our turns were inverted, in other words Gloria was the first one to teach, this was good because changes are always an important part of life. Gloria started her class with much more energy than last time, she used the song that all other teachers have been using for a long time, she used a variation, she gave the students stick with faces that had different moods, and she told the students that whenever she say a emotion the students that had the face with that emotion will have to raise their stick. This activity was the warm up, and it went smoothly.

After that she introduced the topic, which was clothes, by using flash cards to show the students a picture of the clothes and the name and also how it was spelled. The flash cards were pasted by Gloria in the board when she had already introduced to the students.Also in the presentation stage she used real clothes to make students internalize the vocabulary, she presented the clothes to them and asked them to put the clothes on a line with some clothe hooks.

Next Gloria did an activity that was based on a song, this had as objective make students internalize and remember the name of the clothes and where the clothes should be used. The song was developed by Gloria singing the name of a clothe and making a gesture related with that clothe, the students were supposed to follow what Gloria was doing and they did, they were all very energetic. Is in this point where I would like to remark that the attitude and expressions that Gloria had until that moment were completely the opposite that in the previous class, she did not got depressed nor frustrated in the activities, instead she seemed energetic and joyful to be teaching the class.

Gloria´s last activity was for the children to paste small clothes in small dolls, this activity was done in a way that calmed the children down, it was very effective and I am grateful to Gloria by this, because it gave the opportunity to develop my class in a better way.

Finally it was my turn, long before the class started I had made up my mind to have a great teaching experience, in order to achieved this I had to defeat my past self from the previous class, in my mind I could only think in defeating my old self, to surpass what I had achieved in the previous class, these were my ideas at some point. While Gloria was teaching her class I was awaiting for my turn, I calmed down and remembered my objectives, I knew what needed to be done.

I started my class with a memory game, I did my greatest effort to use a strong voice without screaming in order to make the children following my instructions, at the beginning they were not enthusiastic about the memory game but that suddenly changed when I gave the flashcards, from a correct pair, to the student who had guessed the pair, from that moment on everyone wanted to participate, they were screaming asking for a turn to choose from the memory game. At the end I somehow managed to make everyone participate in an equal way. What I felt in this activity is that the students wanted to participate, they seemed eager to speak to call my attention, it was a heaven to earth difference when comparing it to those students from the first class. In my opinion what has helped the development of the class is that the children have gain experience and confidence from the previous class, making them more likely to participate in class. Nevertheless, I worked a lot to be as energetic as possible to make them enjoy the class.

My second activity involved real clothes, the objective was that the children practice the name of the clothes and also to say what others were wearing. This activity was short due to time, but the objective was achieved, the activity had some setbacks, for example when the moment to choose the clothes arrived, the children went over the clothe at the same time this was a little messy. After that in a semi-circle, the children were saying what other children were wearing.This process was repeated some time. I think that what I could have done better in this case was the way that  the children were arranged in the classroom.

The last activity was using a variation of a song that the students knew very well., here is a video that shows what happened in there, Song

To sum up I think that I achieved my personal goals of self improvement and I also enjoyed teaching the class, so this was my second practiced and I am glad to say that I am proud of it.